Artificial islands are constructed by humans and it is not formed by nature. They are created to expand islands for bigger territories. These can be floating structures in still waters, or other structures like megalithic structures in shallow waters. Artificial islands are usually formed by land reclamation, but
some are formed by incidental isolation of an existing piece of land during canal construction or flooding of valleys resulting to tops of former knolls getting isolated by water. It may vary widely in scale from small islets for supporting single pillar of a building or structure that support communities.
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Actually, my point of view about the article is, it is useful but it can harm our nature. Mass destruction of our coral reefs are not funny. Coral reefs are limited and it can only be replaced after millions of years. Even though it is used for expanding territories for economical gains, artificial island constructions should have its limitations..
-Angelyn Cruz, II-B
-Angelyn Cruz, II-B
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